Sacramental Program 2024/2025

This program involves preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and First Eucharist.

The program has commenced

Confirmation Preparation


Reconciliation Preparation

The Enrolments for Reconciliation Preparation opens Tuesday 4th February at 7pm

You will be booking for two classes in order for the Preparation for Reconciliation to be completed. 

You can book for the FRIDAY classes or the SATURDAY classes. 

First Class 


Choose the date/day that suits your family best. I am happy for you to change as needed

The payment for this program is $60 for one child and $100 for 2 or more children in one family.

Celebration of Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place on 

bookings for the ceremony will take place later in the month

Eucharist  Preparation


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